
Havarti Cheese Making Recipe

Havarti Cheese Making Recipe

Havarti Cheese Making Recipe – Creamy, Homemade & Irresistible

If you’re a cheese lover, making your own cheese at home is a culinary adventure worth exploring. Among the many types of cheese you can make, Havarti Cheese stands out as a creamy, semi-soft cheese that melts beautifully and offers a mild yet delicious flavor. Whether you’re new to cheesemaking or a seasoned expert, this Havarti Cheese Making Recipe is easy to follow and yields fantastic results.

Why Make Havarti Cheese at Home?

Homemade Havarti Cheese has a unique flavor that’s hard to match with store-bought varieties. It’s fresher, and you can control the ingredients, ensuring that your cheese is free of unnecessary additives or preservatives. Plus, you get the satisfaction of creating a gourmet cheese right in your own kitchen. Havarti is a great cheese to make at home because of its creamy texture, versatility, and relatively short aging process.

The Key Ingredients for Perfect Havarti Cheese

The key to making great Havarti Cheese lies in using high-quality ingredients. The base of the recipe is whole milk, and for the best results, raw or non-homogenized milk is recommended. If you don’t have access to raw milk, you can use pasteurized milk, but you’ll need to add calcium chloride to ensure proper curd formation.

The mesophilic starter culture helps develop the characteristic tangy flavor of Havarti, while liquid rennet coagulates the milk into curds. Cheese salt adds a subtle flavor while preserving the cheese during the aging process. Lastly, cheese wax is used to protect the cheese from drying out or developing mold during the aging period.

Step-by-Step Havarti Cheese Making Process

  1. Heating the Milk: Start by gently heating the milk to 86°F (30°C). Patience is key here—heating the milk too quickly can affect the texture of your cheese. Once the milk is at the right temperature, it’s time to add the mesophilic starter culture.
  2. Adding the Starter Culture and Rennet: After adding the starter culture, let it sit for a few minutes before stirring. This helps it hydrate and activate. The rennet is added next, which is crucial for forming the curds. Rennet works by breaking down the proteins in the milk, causing it to coagulate.
  3. Cutting and Cooking the Curds: Once the curds are set, you’ll cut them into cubes. The size of the curd pieces affects the texture of the cheese. Smaller curds will result in a firmer cheese, while larger curds yield a softer cheese. After cutting, the curds are slowly cooked to release more whey and firm up the texture.
  4. Pressing and Salting: After draining the whey, the curds are placed in a mold and pressed to form the cheese. The pressing process helps to expel any remaining whey, giving the cheese its signature smooth texture. After pressing, the cheese is salted to enhance the flavor and preserve it.
  5. Aging the Cheese: Finally, the cheese is aged. Havarti can be enjoyed fresh after 24 hours or aged for several weeks to develop a deeper flavor. For longer aging, waxing the cheese helps to prevent unwanted mold growth.

The Benefits of Homemade Havarti Cheese

Making your own Havarti Cheese offers several benefits. First, you can enjoy a fresher product with fewer preservatives compared to store-bought cheese. Second, you have the flexibility to customize your cheese with herbs, spices, or different aging times to suit your taste. Want a dill Havarti? Just mix in some fresh dill during the curd-making process. Prefer a firmer cheese? Age it longer for a more robust flavor.

Not to mention, the process of making cheese at home is incredibly rewarding. Watching milk transform into curds and then into a creamy, delicious cheese is a true culinary experience. Plus, once you’ve mastered the basics, you can experiment with different types of cheeses, from soft Brie to sharp Cheddar.

Tips for Successful Havarti Cheesemaking

  1. Use High-Quality Milk: The quality of the milk you use will significantly impact the final product. Whenever possible, opt for raw or non-homogenized milk for the best results.
  2. Monitor Temperature Closely: Cheesemaking is a precise art, and temperature control is key. Use a reliable thermometer and take your time when heating the milk or cooking the curds.
  3. Be Patient During Aging: While you can enjoy your Havarti after 24 hours, allowing it to age for a few weeks will significantly enhance the flavor. The longer the cheese ages, the more complex its flavor becomes.

Recipe Summary:

Havarti Cheese Making Recipe

Creamy Havarti Cheese Making Recipe

Making your own cheese at home is both rewarding and surprisingly simple. This Havarti Cheese recipe results in a mild, creamy, and slightly tangy cheese that pairs beautifully with crackers, fruit, or even melted into your favorite dishes. With just a few ingredients and a bit of patience, you’ll have your very own homemade Havarti Cheese.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 2 hours
Total Time 3 hours
Course Appetizer, Brunch
Cuisine Danish
Servings 16
Calories 110 kcal


  • 1 gallon whole milk preferably raw or non-homogenized
  • 1/4 teaspoon mesophilic starter culture
  • 1/4 teaspoon calcium chloride optional, if using pasteurized milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon liquid rennet
  • 1 tablespoon cheese salt
  • Cheese wax for aging


  • Prepare the milk: Pour the whole milk into a large pot and slowly heat it to 86°F (30°C) over low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching.
  • Add the starter culture: Once the milk reaches 86°F, sprinkle the mesophilic starter culture over the surface. Let it sit for 2 minutes to hydrate, then stir gently for about 1 minute to fully incorporate.
  • Add calcium chloride and rennet: If you’re using pasteurized milk, dissolve the calcium chloride in 1/4 cup of cool water and add it to the milk. Then, dissolve the rennet in 1/4 cup of cool water and stir it into the milk. Stir for about 30 seconds to ensure even distribution.
  • Coagulate the curds: Cover the pot and let the milk sit undisturbed for 30-45 minutes, or until a firm curd forms. You’ll know it’s ready when the curd gives a clean break when sliced with a knife.
  • Cut the curds: Once the curds are firm, use a long knife to cut the curds into 1/2-inch cubes. Let them rest for 5 minutes to firm up slightly.
  • Cook the curds: Slowly heat the curds to 104°F (40°C), increasing the temperature by about 2°F every 5 minutes. Stir gently during this process to prevent the curds from sticking together. This step should take about 30 minutes.
  • Drain the curds: Once the curds reach 104°F, maintain the temperature and continue stirring for another 15-20 minutes until the curds are firm but still springy. Then, drain the whey by pouring the curds into a cheesecloth-lined colander. Let the curds drain for about 30 minutes.
  • Press the cheese: Transfer the drained curds into a cheese mold and press the cheese with about 8-10 pounds of pressure for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, flip the cheese, re-wrap it in cheesecloth, and press it again with 15 pounds of pressure for another 12 hours.
  • Salt the cheese: After pressing, remove the cheese from the mold and rub it with 1 tablespoon of cheese salt. Let the cheese sit at room temperature for 12 hours.
  • Aging the cheese: Place the cheese in a cheese cave or a cool, humid area (around 55°F or 13°C) to age for at least 24 hours, or up to 3 months for a more developed flavor. If aging for more than a week, coat the cheese with cheese wax to prevent mold growth.


Tip: For a richer flavor, age the cheese for 2-3 months in a cheese cave or refrigerator.
Customization: Add fresh herbs like dill or chives to the curds before pressing for a flavored Havarti cheese.
Storage: Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or freeze for longer storage.
Keyword Cheese Making Recipe, Creamy Havarti Cheese Making Recipe

Final Thoughts on Havarti Cheese

In conclusion, making Havarti Cheese at home is a fun and satisfying process. It doesn’t require fancy equipment or a ton of time, but it does demand a little patience. The result is a creamy, mild cheese that melts beautifully and can be used in a variety of dishes. Whether you enjoy it on its own, melted into a sandwich, or paired with fruit and crackers, homemade Havarti is sure to impress.

Give this Havarti Cheese Making Recipe a try and discover the joy of creating your own delicious, gourmet cheese at home!

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